






    TI UCC28810 110W离线LED照明解决方案
    发布者:yzsrzm  发布时间:2011-12-03 17:16:59  访问次数:740

    TI公司的UCC28810和UCC28811是通用照明电源控制器,能以临界导通模式控制反激,降压或升压转换器,集成了用于反馈误差处理的跨导电压放大器,参考电流发生器,电流检测(PWM)比较器,PWM逻辑和用来驱动外接FET的图腾柱驱动器.主要用在HB LED照明,工业,商业和住宅区照明以及室外照明.本文介绍了UCC28810/1主要特性, 方框图, 简化应用电路图以及110W离线AC/DC LED驱动器UCC28810EVM-003主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB布局图.

    The UCC28810 and UCC28811 are general lighting power controllers for low to medium power lumens applications requiring power factor correction and EMC compliance. It is designed for controlling a flyback, buck or boost converter operating in critical conduction mode. It features a transconductance voltage amplifier for feedback error processing, a simple current reference generator for generating a current command proportional to the input voltage, a current-sense (PWM) comparator, PWM logic and a totem-pole driver for driving an external FET.

    In the critical conduction mode operation, the PWM circuit is sELf-oscillating with the turn-on being governed by a transformer zero energy detector (TZE pin) and the turn-off being governed by the current sense comparator.


    Transition Mode Controller for Low Implementation Cost of AC Input LED Lighting Applications

    Implements Single Stage Power Factor Corrected LED Driver

    Enhanced Transient Response With Slew-Rate Comparator

    Interfaces with Traditional Wall Dimmers

    Accurate Internal VREF for Tight Output Regulation

    Two UVLO Options

    Overvoltage Protection (OVP), Open-Feedback Protection and Enable Circuits

    ±750-mA Peak Gate Drive Current

    Low Start-Up and Operating Currents

    Lead (Pb)-Free Packages


    AC Input General Lighting Applications Using HB LEDs

    Industrial, Commercial and Residential Lighting Fixtures

    Outdoor Lighting: Street, Roadway, Parking, Construction and Ornamental LED Lighting Fixtures

    图1. UCC28810/1方框图

    图2. UCC28810/1简化应用电路图

    110W离线AC/DC LED驱动器UCC28810EVM-003

    The UCC28810EVM-003 is an 110-W offline AC-to-DC LED current driver with power factor correction. This design utilizes a three stage approach with a universal input boost PFC stage, a low-side buck stage providing a controlled current source and a half-bridge DC transformer stage to provide isolation to four LED strings.

    This converter was designed to support up to four strings of 15 high brightness LED’s in series (58.5 V max per string). The converter will provide 500-mA average current to each string. The design incorporates an interface for microprocessor control to allow for shutdown into a low power mode (<0.5 W) and PWM dimming of the LED’s.

    The boost, buck and DC half bridge multi-transformer stages are included on a UCC28810EVM-003 single board assembly.


    90-VRMS to 265-VRMS Operation

    Boost Follower or Fixed Output PFC Stage

    PFC Disable

    Output Current Disable

    External or Internal PWM Dimming

    Output Isolated from Line Input

    Open Circuit Protection (If one LED string fails open the remaining strings stay on.)


    • AC Input General Lighting Applications Using HB LEDs

    • Industrial, Commercial and Residential Lighting Fixtures

    • Outdoor Lighting: Street, Roadway, Parking, Construction and Ornamental LED Lighting Fixtures

    • LCD TV LED Backlighting




    图5.UCC28810EVM-003 PFC级电路图


    图7.UCC28810EVM-003 DC变压器电路图

    图8.UCC28810EVM-003 PCB布局图(上:顶层元件布局,中:顶层铜布线,下:底层铜布线)

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