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德国WTW分光光度计 photoLab 7000放大图片

产品价格:1   元(人民币)
发货地:深圳  (发货期:当天内发货)


价格:1人民币/件规格:WTW分光光度计 photoLab 7000

简要说明:德国WTW牌的德国WTW分光光度计 photoLab 7000产品:估价:1,规格:WTW分光光度计 photoLab 7000,产品系列编号:WTW分光光度计 photoLab 7000


WTW 分光光度计  photoLab® 7000 Series – Proven and Pioneering
The spectrophotometers photoLab® 7100 VIS and photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS combine routine analysis with spectral analysis and pioneering procedure OptRF.
The new reference beam optics together with a new brilliant colour display turn hard work into fun: clearly-arranged, color-coded, fast and comfortable.
Multi-wavelength and multi-step readings allow complex operations from chlorophyll to enzymatic analysis of standard parameters. Comprehensive user-defined programming options with intuitive operation expand the possibilities for many applications.
Pioneering measurement procedure „OptRF“ for COD, Nitrate and Nitrite
Routineanalysis with barcode recognition and automatic measurement range adaption for all cuvette sizes
Mighty AQS Tools
CIE-compliant and other colour measurement options with optional PC software package photoLab® color+Data spectral (August 2015)
Faster than any digestion: Online-Technique transferred into Lab!
With photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS, the important parameters COD, Nitrate and Nitrite of municipal waste water samples from the outlet can be measured simply and directly via the optical reagent-free Measurement (OptRF) in the UV range. Pipette sample into cuvette, put them into the meter, read result! Handy way for retainer samples or a quick check without digestion:
More than 200 methods for routine analysis with commercial test kits as well as special methods such as NH3, CO2, color, SAC, Chlorophyll, some enzymatic test such as glucose. Additionally, a brewery package is available. The photoLab® spectrophotometers are suitable for onsite use and equipped with comfortable matrix adjustment for IQ Sensor Net with IQ-LabLink®.
The optional PC-Software Packet for Datenmanagement and multiple color measurement with photoLab® color these photometers are qualified for many fields of application from waste water treatment plant to production and quality control but also for service labs, education and research.
photoLab® 7100 (VIS) photoLab® 7600 (UV/VIS)
Wavelength Range 320 - 1100 nm 190 - 1100 nm
Optics Grid Monochromator with step motor and Reference Beam, 4 nm bandwidth Grid Monochromator with step motor and Reference Beam, 4 nm bandwidth
Lamp Wolfram-Halogen Xenon Flashlamp
Measurement/Programming Concentration, Absorbance, % Transmission, Kinetics and Spectra in Abs or %Transmission, Multiwavelengths and multistep readings Concentration, Absorbance, % Transmission, Kinetics and Spectra in Abs or %Transmission, Multiwavelengths and multistep readings
Scan speed 700-2000 nm/min, Scans in 1, 2, 5, 10 nm steps of wavelength range 700-2000 nm/min, Scans in 1, 2, 5, 10 nm steps of wavelength range
Wavelength accuracy/reproduceability ± 1 nm / < 0,5 nm ± 1 nm / < 0,5 nm
Photometric accuracy/reproduceability - 0,003 E for E < 0,600; 0,5% of values for 0,600 < E < 2,000 - 0,003 E for E < 0,600; 0,5% of values for 0,600 < E < 2,000
Methods and Profiles > 200 pre-programmed methods, 1000 user-defined methods, 20 profiles for kinetics and spectra, comprehensive programming options > 200 pre-programmed methods, 1000 user-defined methods, 20 profiles for kinetics and spectra, comprehensive programming options
Interface / Update 1 USB-A, 1 USB-B, 1 Ethernet / Update via Internet and USB-Stick 1 USB-A, 1 USB-B, 1 Ethernet / Update via Internet and USB-Stick

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